
Abbey News

A teddy bear gift from the Abbey

Over the past few weeks, our Education Department has been busy collecting many soft, cuddly, and comforting teddy bears which will soon be gathered together and donated to the Teddy Trust. We’re delighted to be a supporting the campaign this year which will see these bears sent to children around the world who are suffering the traumas of war, starvation, or abuse.  

The Teddy Trust encourages children in the UK to learn about the suffering of children around the world, and how they can help with the simple donation of a soft and reassuring teddy bear. 

Our Education Manager, Alison Gagg, has been collecting teddy bears in the Education Office or advising for donations to be left in St Anthony’s Canteen. To learn more about the campaign, how you can get involved, and the guidelines each donated bear must fulfil before you donate, head to the Teddy Bear Trust website here

