

“Listen carefully, my son, to the master’s instructions, and attend to them with the ear of your heart”  Rule of St Benedict: The Prologue

Our Oblates are an important part of the Buckfast community – sharing the same Divine Office (in part or in full), which St Benedict calls ‘the Work of God.’ Although the Rule of St Benedict was written primarily for monks, there is much within the rule that can absorbed into the daily their lives of all Christians.  

An Oblate is a Roman Catholic in good standing, who wishes to undertake a way of life inspired by the Rule of St Benedict, and in close association with a Benedictine monastery. They ‘belong’ to a particular monastery.

If you wish to become an Oblate, first, find a monastery (or it may find you), make contact with the Director of Oblates, and he will talk you through the process.

You may be attracted to one particular monastery, (‘the monastery finds you’) and feel you would like to be part of it. Or, you may want to be a Benedictine Oblate but don’t have any affiliation to a periauricular monastery. In either case, looking for a Benedictine Monastery nearby would be useful, for the occasions when you wish to be present and join the Monastic Community in prayer.

For a year or so, you are considered a ‘Novice Oblate’. During this time, the Novice gets a taste of, and tests the Benedictine outlook. He or she prays the Morning and Evening Prayer of the Church, and makes themselves familiar with the Rule by reading it diligently three or four times.

After this initial year, you may wish to become an Oblate, and make a form of ‘Act of Oblation.’ The Director of Oblates will guide you through the process.
The Act of Oblation normally takes place during Mass on an Oblates’ Retreat Day, so that your fellow Oblates can witness and welcome you.


Get in touch

Enquiries can be addressed to :-
Br Daniel, O.S.B.
Director of Oblates
St. Mary’s Abbey
TQ11 0EE

