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Gregorian Chant for the Soul: 20 Favourite Chants Cantus Gregoriani Directed by Philip Arkwright


Gregorian Chant for the Soul: 20 Favourite Chants Cantus Gregoriani Directed by Philip Arkwright.

Philip Arkwright is Organist & Master of the Music at Buckfast Abbey.


1 Introit: Cibavit Eos
2 Introduction
3 Kyrie: Mass II
4 Gloria: Mass II
5 Scripture Reading
6 Gradual: Oculi Omnium
7 Alleluia: Caro Mea
8 Sequence: Lauda Sion
9 Gospel
10 Credo I
11 Intercessions & Ave Maria
12 Offertory Antiphon: Portas Caeli
13 Sanctus: Mass II
14 Communion Rite & Pater Noster
15 Agnus Dei: Mass II
16 Communion Antiphon: Qui Manducat
17 Blessing and Dismissal
18 Pange Lingua
19 Adoro Te Devote
20 Ave Verum Corpus

Total Music Time: 67.28

